Monday, 24 October 2011

Research - Rankin

In the modern day photography world Rankin is probably one of the most talked about fashion photographers. His full on approach to taking images is unique and works! The images gallery he has is exceptional and in my opinion, inspiring to everyone that views it. His use of light is not that technical but the compositions are exceptional.

The 3 images above have a different use of directional light. the top one uses a projector(i assume) and creates a fun image by lighting the model in the opposite way to the one at the bottom which has a light angle to cast a shadow on the white background. The middle image has a model with a classic fashion pose but with a shadow being cast next to her that is completely irrelevant to the rest of the image. All 3 images have been desaturated and made to look cold and stern. Rankin does this alot with his images Ive noticed.

The next 3 are a little more striking and colourful. The use of bright colours and white backdrops make the subjects of the top and bottom images bold and jump out. The poses of the models combined with the styling and colours make interesting curves around the images and direct your eyes all over. The center image is very different from the other two and has a great use of colour which is completely different to that of the other 2. The positioning of the model and the props gives the image almost a glamour shoot feel but still stays bordering fashion.

Fitting in more with the fashion theme are the above 3 images. the bottom image having the A shape in the composition and the model leaving you wondering. All 3 images are demonstrating the rule of thirds but each in a different way. The middle image is mysterious and the use of light and position of the model gives a split in the background. 

These 3 images show fun and interesting composition but the top one is great in the post production. 

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