Saturday, 8 October 2011

Research - Perou

Ralph John Perou

Perou is an English fashion and music photographer that grew up in the East Sussex country side. Before considering a career in photography he worked as a butler and wanted to become a long distance lorry driver. After gaining a BA Hons Degree in photography in 1994, Perou worked as a studio manager at Click studios in London where he met some of the best photographers of the time.

I first came across Perou's work whilst watching his TV program 'Dirty Sexy Things' where he had selected some models to compete with each other to be included in his latest exhibition. Each week he selected a different theme and then shoot each model to get the look he envisioned. Watching the way he worked was inspiring and i view him as one of the best fashion photographers i have come across so far.

Perou's Images That Inspire Me... 

The Use of Objects in the above two images is creative and makes you go in for a closer look. In the top image the model is hidden with a mask which takes away her identity. The lighting is casting a shadow which is going out of the shot but gives me an understanding on where the lights re placed. The fact that she is composed to be looking and standing in the wrong direction adds to the hidden identity by the mask. The lower image is a simple image just with a brilliant composition. The use of lines and shapes that the tangled hose creates make this image interesting to look at. Although the main focal point is the model, the lines that the hose creates lead you to look at the whole image over and over.

This image is a modern fashion photographers twist on a classic portrait. The composition of the model is centralised but the model is expressionless and the styling is harsh. The lighting is almost faded and gives a cold feel to the whole image. The direction of the shadow and the models position hints that the model is almost trying to block the light away.

I chose the above two images because i find them extremely fun. The first image is brilliantly composed in a theater type set with a 1950s style but with the model looking injured. The fact she is wearing a neck brace is a fun take on the superstitions that actors believe. The model has a classic emotional theater pose and the light shining down almost puts her in the 'spotlight'. The lower image has extreme styling and a contrast of fashion items. Crutches are used for stability and the fact that the model is leaning on them insinuates that she is being or needs support. The colours a striking and the use of lighting is simple.  

These three images are a little darker than the other images i have looked at and they have been produced to a very high standard. The use of makeup / paint is creative and in the above two images add a colourful variance to a dark low lit image. The crop of all three images is tight and forces you to focus solely on the subjects in the images. The artwork in these images is beautiful. I find the use of props in the top two images striking and combined with the shadows created by the lighting these two images create beautiful images. The lower image is a great composition. The female form has been tarnished and made to look like death, The male in the image has his eyes closed and appears to be almost embracing her.

Finally, These last two images have been chosen because i find the use of the props interesting. The top image uses mesh and the model almost looks lost. The colours are simple the model has pale skin which is accentuated by the dark clothes and contrasting background. the bottom image is very poised. The stance of the model is strong and the styling is naughty 1940s. The umbrella is almost like a frame to the models stern look on her face. This image has been desaturated and i think it works well with the whole complete look.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    As usual a slow start then POW your off, great ideas and research, the team we spoke about needs to happen now, the make up artists, stylist, etc..wardrobe, props, me a blog for each area and who will help you for each as well please ready for next week

